The Bub Hub Blog

‘You’re so young! I thought you were the nanny!’
I found out I was pregnant at 17 years old, in hospital with a kidney infection. This was not what I had planned for my life. I remember thinking of

You’re not the boss of me! Why kids deserve an explanation
This is my very first post for the Bub Hub. And, kind people, I already find myself apologising. The last thing I wanted was to be wearing my cranky pants

Your newborn baby in the first month – baby development guide
Congratulations! After nine months of waiting you’ve finally met the new little person in your life. You and your newborn are probably still recovering from what’s been an exhilarating, yet

Your antenatal care and childbirth options explained
You’ve just found out you’re pregnant! Now what? Public or private? Obstetrician or GP? Birthing centre or home birth? Not to worry – we’ve put together this article as a

Your 9 month old – baby development guide
No need for a gym membership these days, your little one will be giving you quite the workout. Life will move at a quicker pace now that your baby is

Your 8 month old – baby development guide
Move your books from the bottom shelf and tell your dog it isn’t safe to lie in the lounge room anymore – your baby is on the move! How is