You’ve fed your baby and you’ve changed their nappy, but your baby has not stopped crying for more than three hours. What is going on?
Before you start tearing your hair out, your baby may be ‘colicky’.
What is colic?
Colic affects one in three babies and tends to appear in the first two to four weeks after birth and may continue to around six to eight weeks of age (but has been known to last much longer).
Colic is when a baby goes through a period of unexplained and regular crying each day. The bouts of crying can be very extended (hours at a time) and occur mostly in the afternoons and evenings. The baby appears to be suffering from abdominal pain.
It can be stressful for both you and your baby to deal with colic. However, there are some remedies out there that parents can use to calm their babies.
Have you tried any of these?
10 things to try for baby colic relief
1. Give your baby rest
Make sure your baby doesn’t get overtired. Newborn babies, in general, should be back to bed within 1-2 hours of waking. Your baby should get rest and lots of it.
2. Swaddling
Inside the womb, the baby’s environment is dark, warm and a little snug. You might want to make the transition easier for your baby by swaddling them. Swaddling is thought to induce sleep and may provide enough comfort to soothe a crying baby. It can also prevent the startle reflex.
3. Keep in motion
Sometimes movement can calm and soothe a crying baby. Try to incorporate whatever works to put your baby back to sleep, such as a rocking motion in your arms.
4. Regular burping
Regularly burping your baby during and after feeding will help prevent wind from being trapped in their bowels. Let your baby stretch out, burp them over your shoulder or sit them upright to help them burp.
5. Baby massage
Try doing gentle belly massages to help your baby release any trapped gas. But, always do a clockwise motion when rubbing baby’s tummy. You may also do some leg stretches and exercises by gently moving the knees towards the baby’s tummy.
6. Warm bath
Mimic the warmth that a mother’s womb has provided the baby by giving them a warm bath. No need for soap and bubbles. The warm water is enough to provide a peaceful environment to your baby.
7. Breastfeed
The breastmilk has enough nutrients to help digestion. Make sure you are eating well as there are a variety of foods that can trigger baby colic (these may include dairy, caffeine and spicy food).
8. Change formula
If you are using a formula milk, there might be something in the ingredients that is causing the baby’s upset stomach. Try changing your baby’s formula milk. Talk to your feeding consultant or pharmacist.
9. Pacify
Sucking is a natural way for babies to soothe and comfort themselves. If you’re breastfeeding, let your baby feed as much as possible. If you are bottle-feeding, you might want to try providing a pacifier.
10. Baby colic relief products
Try products that contain essential oils that can relieve flatulence and ingredients that can neutralise excess acid, such as Infants’ Friend Oral Liquid.
This blog post is sponsored by Infants’ Friend
Infants’ Friend Oral Liquid is a mixture of healthy aromatic and carminative oils and antacids that are known to settle colic and wind in babies. It is available in pharmacies and in Woolworths Supermarkets across Australia. Visit