Pregnancy calendar - 10 weeks pregnantWow! 10 weeks pregnant already. Has the time gone fast so far? Only a few weeks now before the end of the first trimester.

10 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

Your uterus is growing in size, now approximately the size of a softball and can be felt when touching your stomach. You must remember to get your rest and listen to your body. And importantly, you must remember that the old wives tale of eating for two is just that – an old wives tale. Throughout your pregnancy, you will be increasing your intake of certain foods to benefit the baby – calcium, iron, etc, but your baby will not suffer. It will ensure it gets the nutrients it needs for healthy development. If anything, the mother’s body will experience the deficiencies if the diet is inadequate.

Pregnancy week 10You have probably also been experiencing cravings – certain foods that you just can’t get enough of. It is fine to allow yourself these and, in fact, some medical professionals think it is your body’s way of getting what it needs. Crave fruit? – you need more sugar. Crave a steak? – you need more iron. Crave icecream? – you need more calcium. Then there is the opposite. Foods that you just can’t stand to taste or even smell – such as coffee or the smell of meat cooking. This is very common and many aversions come and go throughout your pregnancy.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 3.3cm (from head to rump) your baby is changing and can be quite active as it has a fair amount of space to enjoy.

Pregnancy baby week 10Practising bending elbows and wrists, your baby often opens and closes their newly formed mouth. The eyelids have finished forming, but these won’t open until much later in the pregnancy.

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3 things to do now you’re 10 weeks pregnant

Book your NT ultrasound scan

There are a number of antenatal tests and screening tests recommended in pregnancy. You’ve probably had a few already at your first antenatal visit – usually full blood count and screening tests for things such as rubella and Hep A and B.

You’re now approaching the window of opportunity to have the Nuchal Translucency Scan  (NT Scan), which screens for chromosomal abnormalities in your baby including Down’s Syndrome. The NT Scan needs to be done between 11 weeks and 13+6 weeks. It is not a diagnostic test – it will only reveal the risk of your baby having a chromosomal abnormality. It is also, in many cases, the first time you’ll get a glimpse of your baby and it all will start to feel a lot more real! If you haven’t booked it already, put it on your to-do list!

Eat some fish (but don’t eat all fish!)

That’s sounds confusing … sorry! The fact is though, fish is a great food to eat when you’re pregnant but often people are hesitant to indulge too often or at all, in case some fish isn’t safe to eat when pregnant. This article on which fish is safe during pregnancy might help clear things up for you.

Go for a walk

Morning sickness and first trimester fatigue can get in the way of exercising. But even a gentle walk is beneficial and the fresh air might just help you feel a bit better. Read up on the benefits of exercising while pregnant to help get your motivated.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 11 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 9 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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