Pregnancy calendar - 11 weeks pregnantYou’re now 11 weeks pregnant! If you’ve been suffering the effects of morning sickness we hope you’re starting to feel a bit better. You might also be starting to feel a little bit bigger too! Are your clothes a little snug these days? That’s because your growing uterus is now too large to be contained in the pelvis and is pushing up! Oh well, might be a good excuse to go shopping for some maternity clothes!

11 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

You might notice that your breasts are not as tender as they were, but you should still remember to wear supportive bras to suit your growing needs. On the areola, you will see small bumps forming, called Montgomery’s tubercles. Their role is help keep the nipple and aerola supple through the secretion of oil. At any stage through your pregnancy, as the milk ducts start to work, you may discover a leakage or crusty white substance on the nipple. This is called colostrum and is the rich fluid that will be produced later when needed to feed your newborn baby. Simply wash it off gently with a warm washer.

Pregnancy body week 11As the uterus is now too large to be contained in the pelvis, it starts to push up above your pelvic bone and for some of you, a little bump is noticeable. You may find your clothes are becoming a little tighter. Time to start to think about some gorgeous maternity wear.

Your Baby

Sized at approximately 4.4cm (from head to rump) at the start of this week, the body is growing into better proportion with the head now. The baby actively moves its arms and legs and also takes little ‘naps’.

Pregnancy baby week 11Your baby can now also suck and swallow, ‘drinking’ the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby and then urinating it out. Along with the baby, the placenta is growing to meet your baby’s growth and nourishment demands.

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2 things to do now you’re 11 weeks pregnant

Shop for maternity wear

You won’t fit into those jeans much longer so it is a good idea to start thinking about maternity wear. The best idea is to pay more for some good-quality basics – a good pair of maternity jeans or a work skirt will be invaluable – and then shop around for some dresses or mix and match shirts, depending on your personal style.

Look after your skin

There are a few skin conditions in pregnancy so it is worth reading up on what to expect and also on how you can take care of your skin.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 12 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 10 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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