Now that you’re 17 weeks pregnant your baby’s organs are starting to function and their sense of hearing is developing! You might even feel baby react to a loud sudden noise!
You have probably sorted out your maternity leave by now – and worked out if you’re eligible for Parental Leave Pay – but there are a number of other payments available to families so it is worth seeing if you’re eligible for them as well.
17 weeks pregnant – development guide
Your body
Your uterus is now about the size of a honeydew melon and increasing to accommodate your growing baby. As your bump grows so do your breasts, gearing up for the task of breastfeeding your baby. It is common for a woman to change 1-2 cup sizes during pregnancy and especially in the post natal period as milk production is managed.
Your baby
Sized at approximately 12cm (head to rump), your baby’s organs are starting to function, albeit within the amniotic fluid world it lives.
At approximately 100g in weight, your baby’s sense of hearing is developing and you can feel your baby react through movement if it hears a loud noise.
3 things to do when you’re 17 weeks pregnant
See if you’re eligible for any Government Family Benefit payments
If you’re entitled to maternity leave you’ve probably already checked out whether you’re eligible for the Government’s Parental Leave Pay. If you’re not eligible you may be entitled to receive the Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement – which is for people who can receive Family Tax Benefit A. Are you confused already? Our guide to Government Family Benefit Payments might explain it better.
Ask about family finances on our forum
Are you confused about family finances? Worried about the cost of a new baby? Baffled by all the government payments and eligibility requirements? Why not ask questions in our family finances forum section – where you’ll reach many parents who have recently been there, done that?
Take care of your back and core muscles
You’re probably not too big now but before long your little bump will be more like a basketball. Now is the time to make sure you know how to look after your back and core muscles when you’re pregnant.
This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.