Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar - 20 weeksCongratulations – you’re now 20 weeks pregnant. That’s about halfway there … but if you’re having trouble remembering which week you’re at don’t panic … it is probably just baby brain!

Your brain isn’t always your friend – it is common to feel anxious occasionally when you’re pregnant and it is important to learn how to work through that anxiety. We have some tips below …

20 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

Your fundus (top of your uterus) is now approximately two finger widths below your belly button and will continue to climb until your baby is born.

Pregnant woman with visible uterus and fetus week 20If you’re finding you’re forgetful or just can’t seem to remember things, don’t panic … its common. Baby brain is real although the medical community isn’t unified on the reason you go through this. Some believe it could be hormonal, while others believe it is simply because the brain is busy contemplating the pending major life change and working out what actions and plans will need to be implemented to accommodate your new bundle of joy arriving in five months time.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 14-16cm (head to rump), your baby now weighs approximately 285 grams. With all of the developing done, it is now time for your baby to just grow!

Weekly development of a human fetus - week 20Your baby continues to grow hair and it’s tiny fingernails and toenails develop further. You are probably feeling movements by now as your baby turns and somersaults – although it is sometimes harder to feel if you have an anterior placenta (this is when the placenta is on the front wall of your uterus). Lungs continue to develop, but are not strong enough to be viable out of the womb.

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3 things to do when you’re 20 weeks pregnant

Learn how to combat your pregnancy anxiety

It is natural to feel anxious when pregnant – this is a major life change and worry is normal. However there comes a point when anxiety takes over and this can lead to health problems, antenatal depression and also postnatal depression, if not treated. This article has tips on identifying problematic anxiety as well as ways to help combat pregnancy anxiety before it become too much.

Practice mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness is a way to bring your attention to the ‘now’ and to help banish negative and stressful thoughts. This article have 5 great tips for easy mindfulness exercises you can do even when you’re extremely busy! It is a great skill to learn and will help you now and even more so after your baby is born.

Book into an antenatal class

Often it is a fear or the unknown that makes us anxious. So one of the best ways to combat anxiety is to arm yourself with knowledge. If you haven’t already, consider booking into an antenatal class. They will help prepare you and your partner for labour, birth and life with a new baby.  They can book up quickly so now is the time to find an antenatal birth class in your local area.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 21 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 19 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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