Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar - 21 weeksTime to stock up on brain food – your baby’s brain is developing at this stage so you need to maintain a healthy diet, rich in calcium, iron and omega fats!

You also should start thinking about locking in a baby name – or at least a short list – if you haven’t already.

21 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

As your baby’s brain is developing at this stage, it is important that you maintain a healthy diet, rich in calcium, iron and omega fats.

Pregnant woman with visible uterus and fetus week 21Exercise is also important, but you may find that as your belly grows over the coming months, you may need to relax your schedule slightly or change to a different and more low-impact exercise, perhaps prenatal yoga.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 18.5cm from head to rump, your baby’s weight is still only 10 per cent of what it will be at birth and your baby’s heartbeat is strengthening every day.

Weekly development of a human fetus - week 21The protective skin layers (dermis and epidermis) and layers of fat are developing around your baby and the brain’s area of the senses is being programmed.

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3 things to do when you’re 21 weeks pregnant

Decide on a baby name!

If you haven’t already decided on a baby name then try our baby name finder checklist for a step-by-step process to follow that will help narrow down your options. You can also find inspiration by checking out the most popular baby names at the moment on the Top 100 baby names in Australia.

Read about pregnancy exercise through the trimesters

Exercise is of enormous benefit during pregnancy but it is important to understand how your body changes in each trimester and how to exercise best according to your pregnancy trimester.

See our best pregnancy travel tips

If you have some travel plans on the horizon you should probably check out our guide to travelling while pregnant. There are some special rules that you should be aware of as well as tips to make your trip as comfortable as possible.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 22 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 20 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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