Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar - 23 weeksNow that you’re 23 weeks pregnant you are in the prime of pregnancy. You might even look radiant! Or glowing perhaps! It could be a slightly higher core temperature or slight weight gain … or it could be the inner glow of knowing of the miracle growing inside!

23 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

The glow of pregnancy is thought to be from a number of factors: your face is fuller due to fluid retention and slight weight gain, your body’s core temperate is slightly higher so you are warmer, along with the inner glow of knowing you are going through the miraculous joy of growing a baby. Pregnant woman with visible uterus and fetus week 23Because of the hormonal changes, you may find that your skin is the best it’s been in years. Or you may find that you suddenly have acne like you haven’t seen since high school. Drink lots of water, review your diet and, importantly, resist the temptation to pick at your skin as it can cause scarring.

When you are pregnant, you are also more likely to tan due to the melanocyte-stimulating hormone, so rupturing the acne can result in an increase in facial pigmentation known as chloasma. Remember it is important to look after your skin in pregnancy – wear sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and long-sleeved and  your skin will return to your pre-pregnancy state after your baby is born.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 20cm (head to rump), your baby looks just like a little doll. Weighing approximately 520g, the teeth appear as buds within the gum line and your baby’s skin is quite saggy. Weekly development of a human fetus - week 23This is simply because the skin grows faster than the underlying fat. Bones now have marrow and are equipped to contribute to the formation of blood cells.

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3 things to do when you’re 23 weeks pregnant

Make sure you’re sleeping well

You might be having trouble sleeping. Between bouts of indigestion, restless leg syndrome or just plain old ‘thinking too much’ you might not be getting enough sleep. Here are some tips for getting more sleep when you’re pregnant so that you’re nice and rested for when baby arrives!

Create your own pregnancy ticker

Tickers are great little images you can use in your email signature, in your forum signatures or on your own website to announce countdown to your baby’s due date. The clever counter animations automatically countdown to the big day letting everyone know how many days are left! Here’s how to create your very own Pregnancy Ticker.

Read up on these 5 common pregnancy skin conditions

Acne, stretch marks, chloasma (also known as the Mask of Pregnancy) are just some of the skin conditions common in pregnancy. Read up on why they occur and how you can prevent and treat them.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 24 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 22 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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