Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar - 29 weeksDoes it feel like you’ve got a soccer player or a can-can dancer in there? Now that you’re 29 weeks pregnant, baby is probably moving around heaps but soon it will become more cramped in there and baby’s movements won’t feel so much like they’re turning somersaults …

29 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

The aches and pains of your growing body can be relieved (temporarily) with a pregnancy massage session. Ensure you find a practitioner who is fully trained in prenatal massage as some positions, techniques and essential oils are not safe during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman with visible uterus and fetus week 29As your baby presses into your diaphragm, you will find breathing can be quite laboured. Remember to take it easy, and if you find your legs or hands are swelling, raise them on pillows whenever you get a chance to rest to avoid oedema (swelling).

Your baby

Sized at approximately 36cm (head to rump) your baby now weighs approximately 1.4kg, and will at least double its weight between now and reaching full term.

Weekly development of a human fetus - week 29The placenta holds approximately 1 litre of amniotic fluid so it is understandable that your body is short of breath with this precious extra cargo onboard.

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3 things to do when you’re 29 weeks pregnant

Start dropping hints about a baby shower

Baby showers are usually organised by friends or family of the mum-to-be and they’re normally held towards the end of a pregnancy. Before 35 weeks is good timing – you don’t want to be too uncomfortable to enjoy it (or miss it completely because baby came a little early!). We have this article on 10 Steps to Throwing the Perfect Baby Shower that might be useful to send to whoever’s organising yours.

Pick some Baby Shower Games

We’ve put together this list of 32 fun baby shower games – maybe you should have a read and pick some you think would suit the sort of shower you have in mind. Some women love games while others won’t be very comfortable with people guessing how big their belly is! It is all in fun though. Enjoy!

Not keen on a baby shower? What about a Blessing Way instead?

A Blessing Way honours, celebrates and empowers a mother before the birth of her baby. The mother-to-be invites her closest and most trusted friends and family and the women perform a ceremony to empower the mother – giving her the strength she needs before the big day. Check out our article What is a Blessing Way? for more information and ceremony ideas.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 30 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 28 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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