You’ve probably spent many weeks trying NOT to think about birth and labour but now it is time to make plans … a birth plan!
32 weeks pregnant – development guide
Your body
Now is a good time to think about writing a birth plan, outlining what you would like to see transpire in every possible scenario during the birth. You should discuss this with your healthcare provider to ensure that they are willing to agree with and follow your choices.
It is also a good idea to confirm your birth support person/people are still happy to be a part of your baby’s birth and to get them to undertake a couple of practise runs of the drive to the hospital, bearing in mind traffic will differ at different times of the day. Even if a homebirth is your preferred birth option, you should still be aware of the quickest route to medical assistance, in case it is needed.
Braxton Hicks contractions may be more common now, as your body prepares for birth. If you feel the contractions are becoming stronger and more severe in pain, contact your healthcare provider or head into your maternity hospital to be checked.
Your baby
Sized at approximately 40cm in length (head to rump) your baby now weighs around 2.1kg. With less room to move, your baby, who is sleeping up to 95 per cent of the time, will still have some very active periods, and usually in the early morning.
That combined with pressure on the bladder means you will have disrupted sleep, but on the upside, this is an important training step in motherhood, preparing you for night feeds once your baby is born.
3 things to do now you’re 32 weeks pregnant
Write your birth plan
A birth plan is basically a brief and flexible list of your preferences during labour, birth and those first hours with your new baby. It should include things like preferred pain relief methods, foetal monitoring methods, birth preferences, skin-to-skin, and a contingency plans. Download and print out birth plan template which also features more information on how to write your birth plan.
“You did WHAT with your placenta?”
“Until becoming pregnant I had not even considered the placenta. But as my pregnancy progressed and I became more intimately involved in my body I developed a huge respect for this amazing organ that was growing and sustaining my baby. To just throw it away was something I could not accept.” Read one woman’s experience with placenta encapsulation.
Hire a birth photographer
If you’d like to hire a professional photographer to capture your baby’s birth check out our directory to find a birth photographer in your area.
This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.