Week 33 Pregnancy CalendarIn pregnancy week 33, pregnancy might be starting to be a bit of a pain these days … a pain in your back! Make sure you maintain good posture and rest up!

Your body

Common during late pregnancy, sciatica plagues a high proportion of pregnant women. Caused by the baby’s position or a pinched nerve, changing the position you sleep in and using supportive pregnancy pillows, resting more, and even a visit to a pregnancy physiotherapists are all ways for you to combat the pain. Ensure your footwear is sensible and that good posture is maintained. If you’re attending pregnancy exercise classes, remember to mention your sciatica to your trainer before you start class.

Your fundus (the top of your uterus) is now sitting just below your rib cage. And, if you haven’t already, it is a good time to start preparing the perineum for childbirth.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 40cm (head to rump) your baby now weighs approximately 2.2kg.

Your baby’s lungs have developed sufficiently enough to support life outside the womb, although the lungs, along with all the other well-developed organs and digestive tract, will benefit greatly from remaining in the womb to mature until full term.

Your baby can feel – and will respond usually by changing its position – when you stroke your belly.

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This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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