Woot, woot – pregnancy week 36 – not long to go! Many of you will be finishing up at work this week for a well-earned break before baby arrives. Just make sure you’re resting more than nesting!
Your body
From this point, appointments with your healthcare provider are now weekly. Your weight gain should be down to only 500 grams a week. It’s also around this time that many women will get that pregnancy massage they’ve been promising themselves or head off to the salon to get a hair cut before baby is born or even indulge in a full on pedicure to have the toenails painted, despite possibly not having seen your toes for quite a few weeks now. A pamper session is not only well-earned, it is also a good chance to recharge your batteries for the upcoming birth and newborn baby you’re soon to meet.
With only a few weeks until your baby is due to arrive, most working women give up work or go on maternity leave about now. You may also find that you have an insatiable desire to clean and tidy up the house. This is called nesting and is totally normal… even for those who have not been very domesticated prior to pregnancy! Just remember to be safe with cleaning chemicals and don’t go climbing any ladders or lifting anything heavy.
Your baby
Most babies are now in position for birth, with their head down towards the birth canal. A small percentage may be breech, with their bottoms or their feet first. You may even feel pressure on the pelvic bones as your baby’s head engages. You may feel a grating sensation as the head moves and rubs against your bones.
This won’t harm the baby as the skull is still soft enough to change shape as necessary to travel through the birth canal at full term. On the upside, you may find your breathing is easier now that the baby has dropped.
More useful links:
- See our checklist for buying a pram or stroller
- Don’t buy anything without reading product reviews from parents
- Have a pregnancy belly cast made
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The content in this email is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.