chocolatekidNo one likes getting chocolate on their clothes – especially because that means there is that little bit less you get to eat. Once you get over the fact that a piece of chocolate was wasted, you realise there’s going to be a stain that is always hard to budge. Try out some of these tricks for getting chocolate stains out of clothes.

  1. Chocolate has protein in it – so use cold water and detergent on the stain to break down the protein and let it sit for 20 minutes before washing it further – using hot water straight up will only set the stain.
  2. It also has fat – so use hot water with soap next to break down the fat. Follow up with a normal machine wash.
  3. At the time the accident happens, wait until the chocolate dries at least a little, then scrape it off while hard so it doesn’t smudge and spread to affect more of the garment.
  4. Work on the stain from the inside of the clothing outwards. This stops the stain from soaking all the way through the fabric.
  5. If the stain hasn’t been completely removed after washing, don’t use a dryer to dry it as the heat will set it further.

There are lots of little ways you can stop a stain from sticking to your clothes, and these are just a few of those ways. So get out the chocolate and start eating to see if you drop any and need to try one of these tricks. Heck, just get out the chocolate and start eating full stop!

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