Halloween is just about here!
While this tradition wasn’t always hugely popular in Australia, lots more people and families are starting celebrate with parties, trick or treating, and dressing up!
We’ve put together some cool and easy food and décor ideas to give your Halloween a little extra pop!
Check out these ideas to spook up your house, and make some creepy snacks for the kids!
Instead of a simple lollipop to hand out to trick or treaters, why not spook it up a bit and give them a laugh?
These little spider-pops are sure to delight the kids. You just need some black pipe cleaners, some googly eyes, and a bag of lollipops. Twist the pipe cleaners onto the base of the lollipop and shape them into spider legs. Add the eyes and give away to the little ones who come knocking at your door.
Thanks to Hectic Helpers and Red Ted Art.
Decorate the house in a spooky way – and an easy way! These glow in the dark eyes will do the trick. Grab some toilet rolls, glow sticks, duct tape, and string for hanging. Cut the shape of the eyes out of the toilet rolls and insert a glow stick. Seal the ends of the toilet roll with duct tape. Set up outside the house, or inside as well, and watch the kids get spooked!
Thanks to Hectic Helpers and Her Campus.
Halloween inspired party food or even just lunchbox treats are a cute way to entertain the kids. Pretzel and cheese broomsticks sound perfect! They’re easy would be a hit with all the kids (big and little). Get some stringy cheese sticks, straight pretzels, and chives. Cut the cheese lengthwise into 3 pieces. String the pieces of cheese 3/4 of the way down to make them look like the broom brush. Push a pretzel into the other end of the cheese and tie off with a length of chive.
Thanks to Hectic Helpers and One Little Project.
Make your own spooky door hanger – it’s too easy. You just need some card and craft supplies. An adult will need to cut a hold for the doorknob but otherwise, small children can create any design they want on the card! Pop one on your front door to show the neighbourhood you’re ready for their trick or treating!
Thanks to Disney Family.
Use your empty plant pots for quick and easy pumpkin lanterns. Just turn them upside down and add faces cut out of construction paper or card – even draw them on if you don’t mind having faces on future plant pots! Put a stick through the hole in the pot to make it look like a stem. These are so easy and perfect for little kids.
Thanks to Disney Family.
These glowing ghosts are fantastic and really easy to make. You’ll need to snap a glow stick for the glowing part – a parent’s job – and place it inside a white balloon. Then blow up the balloon and tie it. The kids can now draw on cool or creepy faces with a black marker. Once it gets dark, these will really spook up your house.
Thanks to Martha Stewart.
Make some skeleton cookies for a snack or party food by simply drawing on skeletons to people-shaped or animal-shaped biscuits. Once the biscuits are baked, just ice on the skeletons and you are good to go!
Thanks to Disney Family.