Now that you are 8 weeks pregnant it is a good time to start considering your choice of care for the birth of your baby. Do you want to give birth in a birthing centre or hospital maternity unit? Public or private?
8 weeks pregnant – development guide
Your body
Your uterus will change in shape this week but will still be about the size of a tennis ball.
With your body pumping more blood around your body, including to the kidneys, you may experience a greater need to urinate more regularly. And your body temperature may have risen a little, making you feel hotter.
Your baby
Sized at approximately 1.6cm at the start of this week (from head to rump), your baby is now more obviously a human. At this stage, the embryo is now called a foetus.
With a head that is equal to the body in size, limbs are starting to form and many of the organ systems are nearing their final development stages. Your baby’s heart is beating at approximately 160 beats a minute.
3 things to do when you’re 8 weeks pregnant
Start thinking about your choice of care
Now is the time to start researching local maternity hospitals and deciding whether you want to go private or public and see an obstetrician or a midwife. You will soon need to book in and make your initial appointment with your chosen healthcare provider.
Try some morning sickness remedies
If you’re starting to feel a little queasy try one of these 17 natural morning sickness remedies to help ward that yucky feeling. Hopefully it won’t get too bad or last too long for you – usually women who do feel the effects of morning sickness feel better around the 12-week mark.
Discuss antenatal choices with our forum members
A good way to research your antenatal options is to chat with forum members about their antenatal choices. Ask about their experiences and how they made their decisions – and if they’d do it the same way next time.
This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.