Pregnancy calendar - 9 weeks pregnantYou’re now nine weeks pregnant! How are you feeling? Many women will be experiencing morning sickness by now but it won’t be long until you start to feel more like yourself again, hopefully.

9 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

Despite your face looking fuller (due mainly to fluid retention), your skin may be looking very healthy. You may also find that your gums bleed easily when brushing your teeth. Switch to a ‘soft’ toothbrush during your pregnancy to prevent damaging your gums.

Pregnancy week 9Morning sickness may still be an issue but dietary management of this can help to ease the nausea. If it proves unbearable, mention this to your healthcare provider.

Emotions are still running high and will continue to fluctuate throughout the next 30 weeks.

Your baby

Sized at approximately 2.4cm (from head to rump), your baby is looking more like a baby than a ‘bean’, with arms and legs obvious.

Pregnancy baby week nineYour baby’s head – still large when compared to the body size – now has a mouth, lips, nose and ears, with eyelids forming this week. Tiny fingers and toes are starting to form and develop at quite a fast rate. Your baby’s heart is beating at approximately 180 beats per minute.

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Three things to do when you’re 9 weeks pregnant

Alleviate your morning sickness symptoms

You’re probably feeling the full effects of morning sickness (aka all-day sickness) by now. And you’re probably well over it! The good news is that for many women the symptoms seem to disappear at the end of the first trimester. The bad news is that you’ve still got a few weeks to go yet. Read our article on morning sickness and tips for alleviating it.

Care for your teeth

Pregnancy affects your body, your hair, your mood and  your teeth too! Pregnancy affects your teeth in a number of ways. And, when your gums are bleeding or you gag when you brush, it isn’t an easy time to care for them.  But it is important that you do – so read up on common pregnancy-related dental issues and tips on dealing with them.

Ask questions about your morning sickness

If you have questions about morning sickness why not ask them on our morning sickness forum. There are plenty of women there who know exactly what you’re going through.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 10 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 8 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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