baby shower game find a wordFind-a-word puzzles are quite easy to do but have you ever tried to make one yourself? Not easy!

They do make for a great Baby Shower activity though – so we’ve created one for you. All you have to do is print enough out for your guests and remember to bring a bunch of pens! It is pretty easy.

Just download and print out our free Baby Shower Find-A-Word Puzzle and start playing.

Oh, and here are the rules to play Baby Find-A-Word.

  1. Hand out a Baby Find-a-Word card and a pen to each guest
  2. Make sure they all start at the same time
  3. The first guest to find and circle all the words in the puzzle must shout ‘Baby!’
  4. Use the answer card to check that they’ve found all the words and are correct.
  5. Give them a prize!


Download more of our free baby shower game printables:

Celebrity baby name – baby shower quiz

Baby shower bingo cards

Baby animal baby shower quiz printable

And for baby shower gift ideas check out these 5 ideas for the perfect baby shower gift

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