Mother writing a blog post on her bed with toddlerWe always welcome new contributors to our blog section –  called The Hubbub (see what we did there?).

Could you be one?

The word “hubbub” means a chaotic din caused by a crowd of people and/or a busy, noisy situation. And that’s exactly what this parenting blog is about …

So if you’d like to raise your profile in the online parenting world and have your words in front of our site’s 20,000 unique viewers a day then read on …

Who are Bub Hub contributors?

1. Up-and-coming bloggers who manage their own blogs but complement that blog’s content with guest posts on the Bub Hub.

2. Journalists or professional writers who might be on leave (or not) to raise children (or not) but would like a creative outlet and could write funny, touching, current posts based on their own parenting observations or topics in the media.

3. Professionals/experts who’d share their expertise to help parents through some of the issues they face every day.

READ: Check out our list of wonderful Bub Hub blog contributors

What are the benefits for you?

1. Your post and your name will in front of the Bub Hub’s 20,000+ unique viewers a day. We share posts with our 128,000+ Facebook followers and our 77,000+ newsletter subscribers. As well as on Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter.

2. You will have your own About the Author page, which will feature a short bio, image and links to your website, Facebook page, Twitter, You Tube, Pinterest and Instagram. This page will also feature all your posts.

3. Your posts will feature prominently on the Bub Hub home page. They will be the first thing newcomers to the site will see. New posts and most popular posts will feature in the sidebar of each page of the site.

Please note, this isn’t a paid position but an opportunity to engage with our audience and raise your online profile in the parenting world.

The Hubbub contributor Terms & Conditions

1. Your post must be your own work.

2. Your post must be unique to the Bub Hub – it must not appear online anywhere else.

3. Your post must be complete (ie. it must not link to another site to ‘read full post’ or ‘read more’).

4. Your post (including images, your username and profile photo) must not contain outbound links, advertising or product promotion. Any reference to brands, services, websites, or products must be either generic or pertinent to the post.

5. Your post must not offend or defame. It can not degrade or intimidate and individual or group of people eg. on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age or disability.

6. We reserve the right to edit a post.

Any questions? Just ask us …

If you’re interested in contributing a post to our blog section and you’ve read all the above please email Rebecca at editor @ bubhub. com. au (without the spaces!)

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