Annabel Karmel pumpkin carrot and corn baby foodTry this great recipe to help start your bub on solids – suitable for babies six months and over, can be frozen, makes four serves.

It should be safe to introduce corn to your baby at six months, however only give a small amount mixed with other vegetables as it is high in fibre.

Occasionally babies who have a family history of allergy or who suffer from eczema may have a reaction to corn.


Butternut squash, carrot, and sweetcorn puree


  • 300g of butternut squash, peeled and chopped
  • 1 medium carrot (approx. 75g), peeled and sliced
  • 40g of sweetcorn, frozen or tinned


  1. Put the butternut squash and carrot into a saucepan and cover with 150mL of boiling water.
  2. Cover and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the sweetcorn and continue cooking for 3 minutes until all the vegetable are tender.
  4. Blend to a puree using an electric hand blender.


From Quick and Easy Weaning by Annabel Karmel
Copyright © Annabel Karmel 2014
Reprinted by Permission of Random House Australia
All Rights Reserved

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