Let’s get wet! Clam shell wonders

Water play is brilliant. My little man has always loved the water. He has loved his daily baths since day one and we still give them to him. He’s yet to take swimming lessons but I know he’s going to love that too. Some people find their children are a bit the opposite. They dislike […]
Top 10 best books for babies from birth to 18 months

Reading to babies plays a crucial part in developing their language and literacy skills. But with so many books on the market, finding something that will be a hit with your baby can prove a bewildering and frustrating experience. The books in this list are in no particular order. Baby Touch First Cot Book […]
Public transport: tips for bus, train or ferry travel with a baby
For many parents, being stuck at home alone with a child, maybe without access to a car (or anywhere to park it at your destination!), can be a draining time. Getting out and about with your baby to visit friends parks and local attractions can bring a well-deserved break for both of you. Travelling by […]
The ultimate five crafts for kids with household items only

I don’t know about you, but I get a little dismayed when I come across crafts for kids such as the chicken below … Sure, it looks easy to some, but to the crafty-challenged such as myself, I am very put off by seeing something like this. I couldn’t even replicate that myself, let alone […]
Save your cash and pull out the pegs

Babies and toddlers are learning constantly from everything they see, hear, taste, touch and smell because our senses are VITALLY important in brain growth. Have you ever noticed a young child’s face the first time they taste something new, touch a kitten for the first time or see something bright and unusual? That’s a WOW […]
How to organise a kid’s birthday party – by age

Children’s birthday parties can strike fear into the hearts of mortal parents. They can be fraught with tears and tantrums—and that’s just the parents! But they are also memorable and a joyful way to celebrate your beautiful child with family and friends. So how do you avoid last-minute panic and create an event that enjoyable […]
LEGO DUPLO is for all ages – even mine!

There’s no sweeter sound than that of my three children playing happily and quietly together. I certainly don’t hear it very often. There are very few toys in my house that will safely engage and occupy a four-year-old, a two-year-old and a 10-month-old all at the same time. Without fights. The toy that WILL do […]
How to clean and organise your bath toys

The bath toy situation has quickly gotten out of hand here. We have far too many bath toys – not to mention regular toys that have made their way into the bath – and they are all getting quite filthy. I wouldn’t want to sit in a bath with them. So (and these are quickly […]
Games to play with your baby – newborn to 12 months

As a new parent, it can be difficult to know what to do with your baby—what ‘games’ are appropriate at what age, what activities will help stimulate and develop your baby at an age-appropriate rate. Honestly, between feeding and sleeping you probably hadn’t even considered ‘playing’! But don’t stress—playing with your baby is probably something […]
5 tips for choosing the best swim school for your child

There are literally hundreds of swim schools across Australia that parents can choose from to introduce their child to the wonderful world of swimming – but how do you choose the one that’s right for you?