Thrifty post-baby makeover time!

So you have had the baby (go you … or me in this instance!) and you (well, me) are very appreciative and in awe of how amazing your body is at producing children and respect that it needs nurturing at this juncture of your life. BUT you’re (I am) also REALLY looking forward to never […]
‘I struggled to accept my new, post-baby body’
As a teenager I naturally had a slim figure. I had the luxury of being able to eat what I wanted — body issues never really crossed my mind. It wasn’t until I became pregnant for the first time that everything changed. I developed insecurities about my body. I wasn’t one of those pregnant women […]
Hair dyeing while pregnant

This is a topic that comes up fairly regularly – expecting mums want to look their best! The question that comes up is, though – is it safe? A lot of mums-to-be want to dye their hair while they are pregnant, but will it harm the baby at all? The answer? There is only limited […]
3 quick and easy hairstyles your girl will love

To help simplify the morning rush, here are there quick and easy hairstyles your little girl will love and you can tackle in less than three minutes.