Will your relationship survive your kids?

The pressures of parenthood can put an enormous strain on your relationship. Time and money pressures, expectations of continued independence and lifestyle, living at a distance from traditional communal support networks, trying to juggle career, family and partner. These are some of the most pervasive causes of stress in relationships between parents. And to make […]

The key to ending relationship drama

Relationships are the spice of life but they can also prove challenging. They bring us face-to-face with the parts of ourselves we’d rather keep hidden if we’ve been taught to be ashamed of them. Of course, we have the opportunity to see underneath the hood of another person to the same degree; that’s intimacy. The […]

Saying ‘NO’ to sex

It’s a problem we’re probably all familiar with: one partner wants sex more than the other, which leads to tension and arguments. He might not hint at wanting sex with a whole lot of tact these days. Maybe he gropes you while you’re washing up? Maybe he ‘asks’ in his huffy tone “Can we have […]

Routine ruins relationships!

It’s all sunshine and rainbows when you first start dating. You both make a massive EFFORT to ensure you show genuine interest in your new partner, and that you in turn are interesting to them. You spend time ‘getting ready’ when you know you are going to see each other. Shave your legs and underarms, […]

PND puts love to the test for new parents

Valentine’s Day is great for those in love but is also a time to support couples struggling with perinatal anxiety and depression. All over Australia, couples are looking forward to Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to celebrate their love for one another. Once the day arrives all the romantic clichés will come into play: candlelit […]

4 ways to look after your relationship when you have a newborn

Having a baby can add a lot of stress to your relationship. Even the happiest couples find that their marriage becomes strained with the demands of caring for a newborn. Between the lack of sleep, post-natal hormones, and the constant need to care for the baby, most couples struggle during the first three months of […]

Does your partner feel left out?

For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part, blah blah blah … Did you notice your wedding vows don’t mention kids? What’s that telling us? The sleepless nights, the tantrums, the dramas, can we survive a marriage with kids? I remember those vows, from once […]

How to find your mojo post separation

OK, so during such a potentially horrid time your mojo maybe the last thing on your mind, but perhaps understanding that your mojo is part of ‘you’ may help put more focus on the topic. ‘You’ need to be OK, before other things fall into place (at least that was my experience). You may be tired […]