What is baby-led weaning?

If you’re thinking about starting your baby on solid food you might assume that spoon-feeding them pureed foods is always the first step. But there is another way and its proponents say it will help ward off fussy eating, help a baby’s development and save you time in the kitchen! So here’s everything you need […]
When should your baby start eating solid food?
It is always exciting when your baby reaches another milestone. The first smile, the first giggle and the first time they roll over – there’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your small child grow and learn. The first time they start eating solid food is also an exciting time but it can also […]
4 tips for parents of fussy eaters

Picky eating. Fussy eating. They are both poorly-defined, catch-all terms that span toddlers who subsist solely on potato chips and bottles of formula, to kids whose only sin is to shirk the green vegetable on their dinner plate. The first rule when you have a picky eater should be: don’t panic! Most of us were […]
Starting solids – what’s the best first food for baby?

When your baby is approaching six months old you’ll probably start to notice the signs they’re ready for solid food. And if they haven’t already pinched a handful of food from your plate, you’ll probably be wondering what food you should serve up for their first meal. It is worth giving it a bit of […]
Starting solids – calcium and your baby

Are you confused about starting solids? Here are some tips and some facts about calcium requirements for babies and young children. Like every parent before you, you want to be sure you’re doing everything to help your baby grow strong and healthy. While breastfeeding or giving your baby formula, the baby’s diet is reasonably simple. […]
The ultimate guide to starting solid food

When you’re just getting used to the sleepness nights and you feel as though life with your baby is falling into a nice routine … it is time to introduce solid food! We have many articles on how, when and why to start solid food so we thought we’d combine them into this complete guide […]
Annabel Karmel’s pear, apple, and blueberry crumbles
A fantastic, yummy recipe for little ones who need more fruit in their diets – great for freezing, suitable from 9 months old, makes 4 individual crumbles. This healthy crumble is full of antioxidants from the blueberries and fibre from the pear and apple. With my delicious golden crispy topping, it’s an easy way to get your child […]
One Handed Cooks: Tuna, Pesto and Ricotta Bake recipe

There’s nothing wrong with a simple ‘pasta mixed with pesto’ dinner that you can have ready on the table in 10 minutes. Served with a few veggies and some fruit on the side, it can be a healthy, satisfying meal when you need it – fast! But if the kids refuse the sight of anything […]
Mum’s toasty macaroni cheese recipe
This macaroni and cheese recipe always takes me back to my childhood. I remember watching mum cook it – following a hand-written recipe from her Year 8 Home Economics book. I think she has modified it over the years, but it is still delicious. It is the macaroni and cheese that you know with a […]
Starting solids – is your baby ready for solid food?
How do you tell if your baby is ready to start on solid food? It can be hard to know, especially if it’s your first baby. That’s while we have compiled this list of signs to look for to see if your baby is ready for solid food. Introducing your baby to their first tastes […]