Organise your cutlery drawerThe cutlery drawer is one thing in the kitchen that can get quickly out of hand.

Not only does it catch random food – I always seem to have it open when I spill sugar – but it is a catchment for all sorts of utensils and mismatched cutlery.

In a perfect world, I’d run out to buy a beautiful new set of cutlery (and a new drawer and kitchen to match I suppose) and display it all beautifully all of the time. But of course, this isn’t a perfect world. So this is what I’ll do instead … time to declutter!!

So on close inspection my cutlery drawer contained:

  • far too many plastic spoons and forks
  • cutlery from about four different dinner sets
  • numerous random teaspoons
  • an old bottle stopper (is that a thing?). Never used.
  • plastic utensils from Chinese takeaway meals I can’t even remember eating
  • ‘spare parts’ for the kids’ water bottles
  • dirty marks from, I assume, the coffee machine utensils (which I moved)
  • The packaging the sharp knife came in

Check it out … what a mess …

organise your cutlery drawer


Steps to decluttering your kitchen’s cutlery drawer

  1. Take out all the cutlery and lie it flat on your kitchen bench. Throw away anything that is damaged (including old plastic cutlery) or never used. If it is still in good condition pack it away to give to charity. Consider moving other utensils to a utensil drawer. Ask the children to pick their favourite plastic cutlery set each, if you have too many.
  2. Wash up any of the cutlery and utensils that you intend to keep. If you have a removable cutlery tray, take it out and wash it also.
  3. Remove the entire drawer. Dust out any crumbs etc and then wipe with washing up water or a vinegar/water mix. Leave to dry in the sun.
  4. When dry place the cutlery tray back into the drawer and neatly stack the remaining cutlery.


This is what my drawer looks like now … still not a beautiful new set of matching cutlery but it will do.

Organise your cutlery drawer


Now the real challenge starts … keeping it that way!

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