As the holiday season gets into full swing, saying no to that glass of wine can get harder and harder for any expectant mums out there, especially if you’re not telling anyone yet. Luckily, we’ve found a product that will get you back into the party, without the health risks, a monstrous hangover, or inadvertently telling the world that you’ve got a baby on the way.
Introducing: wine that is alcohol removed. None of this non-alcoholic, sparkling grape juice you get from the local shop, but proper wine that has had the alcohol actually taken out of it. Don’t ask me how they do it, but it sounds good for those times when you just can’t drink because you have to drive, you’ve got to be up early, or especially when you’re trying to keep the secret that you’re pregnant.
Edenvale Alcohol Removed Wine tastes like your ordinary wine, just without the alcohol. While the alcohol’s not 100% removed, the tiny trace that is still there is no more than what’s found in some fresh fruit juices. And, as a bonus, taking the alcohol out reduces the calories and can even up the antioxidants compared to normal wines. You can get a Chardonnay, Shiraz, or Sparkling Cuvee (champagne) in this range.
And if wine isn’t really your drink, then there’s even a range of drinks that taste just like cocktails, but you don’t have to make them yourself. Soul Beverages came up with Cosmopolitan, Mojito, and Black Russian inspired drinks, just without the alcohol. They’re all bottled up for you and they taste just like you’re having the real thing.
So when you’re feeling left out of the fun because you’re pregnant, thank goodness you can now drink and be merry!