Never has it been more OK for Mums to be sexy!

Really, what a fantastic time to be a woman. Women are allowed to do all kinds of things –  have a career, travel alone, be Prime Minister, read porn (hello 50 Shades of Grey)… and enjoy sex!

The Madonna-Whore stereotypes have kept us restricted for far too long!

In 1875, Dr William Acton claimed:

“The best wives, mothers… know little or nothing of sexual indulgence. As a general rule, a modest woman seldom desires any sexual gratification for herself. She submits to her husband, but only to please him.”  Really?!

We’ve come a long way since then, haven’t we? 50 Shades is a sign of the times, women are reclaiming their sex lives! It’s time to be a sexy Mamma!

A fulfilling sex life and feeling good about ourselves is so important!  The sexier you feel, the more likely you are to feel sexy (if you know what I mean).

Sexy is a state of mind. Don’t let a couple of kilos (or 10) of baby weight stop you feeling like the sexy goddess that you are. Your partner loves you and appreciates you for being you, not for being 22 again and a size 10.

Let yourself feel like the sexy mamma you are. I know the kids want an iPad and need new school shoes but you are important. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury. 

  • Buy yourself sexy underwear.
  • Throw away your flannel PJs and replace them with a negligée.
  • Make regularly getting your hair done a priority.
  • Give yourself time in the morning to get yourself ready – hair, lippie, sexy scent – it will make a world of difference.

What will the kids think?  
Worried your kids might know that their parents have sex?  In tribal communities, families sleep in a single room and that doesn’t stop mamma and papa getting down to it.  If your kids know you have a healthy, happy sex life, they’ll probably have healthier attitudes to it themselves and thank you for it later!

  • If having the kids in the next room still bothers you, regularly hire a sitter or let the kids have a sleepover with Grandma while you re-live your honeymoon!

The joys of online shopping …  Thankfully we also live in the glorious age of the internet.

  • You can now buy ‘grown-up toys’ from the comfort of your own home and come discreetly wrapped to your door!

Never has having a fulfilling sex life been so convenient. It’s time to get your sexy on!

Still not feeling it?
Your relationship needs to be a priority and chances are, sex is really important to your partner. You might be tired, there might be washing to do, but just get on the horse and see how it goes. If you find yourself really turned off by sex often, think about seeking professional help.  

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