A toddler playing with toilet paper instead of sitting on the potty during toilet trainingToilet training can be frustrating. Extremely frustrating. SO SO SO frustrating. Can you tell that toilet training was frustrating for me?

It can really test your patience as a parent so it is important that you time it right. If you start toilet training too early you may be making life harder than it needs to be – for your child and for yourself.

But just like every developmental milestone, all babies and toddlers are different. So how do you know if your child is ready to start toilet training?

Is your toddler ready for toilet training?

What age to toilet train?

Most children won’t be ready to start toilet training until they are at least two years old. Many will be closer to three. And generally girls are ready to toilet train earlier than boys are ready to toilet train.

And don’t be tricked into thinking that the earlier you start, then the earlier you will finish – as it just might make the process more drawn out (and more frustrating). It is better to wait until they are ready.

Are they physically and emotionally ready?

There are a few developmental milestones that need to be reached before you can consider toilet training a child and there are also a few things your child will start to do to indicate they are ready.

They’ve got to be both physically ready (can climb onto the toilet seat, pull down their pants, communicate well etc) and emotionally ready (they want to use the toilet, talk about being a ‘big boy’ etc).

Signs your toddler is ready for toilet training

  • He tells you when he is about to do (or has already done) a poo or pee
  • He is uncomfortable wearing a wet or soiled nappy
  • He pulls at his nappy
  • He is interested in the toilet habits of others
  • He is able to follow simple instructions
  • He is physically capable of using the toilet himself (can walk to the bathroom and climb onto the toilet or potty)
  • He takes some pride in accomplishment
  • He understands the words used in toilet training and can convey them to you
  • He can pull down and pull up his own pants
READ: If your toddler is ready the next step is picking the best time start toilet training


For more info, great free printable charts, and access to the forum to chat about your experiences, check out our Toilet Training Hub.

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