pumpkin_soupMy friend Jacqui served this Pumpkin Soup to us at her house one day, and I’ve been using her recipe (and taking the credit!) ever since!

It’s incredibly easy and very, very tasty!

Jacqui’s Pumpkin Soup


  • 1/2 butternut pumpkin
  • 1 small potato
  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 1 onion
  • 25g (approx) butter
  • pinch of sugar
  • chicken stock to cover


  1. Peel and roughly chop all the vegetables up into chunks of approximately the same size.
  2. Put all the ingredients into a saucepan – using enough stock to cover the veggies.
  3. Bring to boil and simmer until vegetables are soft and cooked through (approx 20 mins).
  4. Puree the cooked soup until smooth. (I use a stick mixer because I can keep the soup in the saucepan to blend and it’s minimal washing up, but you could use a blender or food processor).
  5. Add a swirl of cream and chopped up herbs to serve, if you wish.

Try it out now!

Image credit (because I’m not good at taking photos!): charlottelake / 123RF Stock Photo

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