“All my life I have been passionate about teaching and education.
Olympic successes and world records have been fantastic but my greatest joy has come from teaching my daughters and granddaughters to swim at an early age.
I’ve had chlorine in my blood since my dad was manager of the Tobruk pool in Townsville where our most successful ever Olympic swimming team trained in 1956.
In 1988 I focused on drowning prevention, saving little ones lives, and I have done this through the Kids Alive – Do the Five campaign.
If you visit the Kids Alive website and click on the front page the “Early Childhood Program” you can download free eBooks, videos, animations and loads of other resources now being used in every early childhood centre across Australia.
This brings the safety message to kids at a level where they can understand and enjoy the journey.
Formal water safety education is fantastic but is only one part of the solution. We need to teach every child how to swim and every child in Australia deserves to learn how to swim.
The number one question I get asked is ‘where should I take my child to learn to swim?’.
My answer is ‘Go check out a number of swim schools in your area and see what feels right for you’. Many are still not satisfied saying, ‘I’ve been taking my child to lessons for years and they still can’t swim!’.
To combat this deficiency, my three daughters, a team of experts, and I have developed a new hub where information and swimming education are king. It is called World Wide Swim School.
Here you have all the information at your fingertips to teach your own child or at least understand what good quality swimming lessons should be. You become an expert!
As a parent the most important thing you can do for your child’s safety around water is to educate yourself and understand what your child should be doing at their current age.
This new hub is a must-see resource for every parent, and grandparent.
Fifty years of aquatic experiences is contained in 11 teaching modules broken into 7 growth and development stages of children.
This makes it easy for parents know and understand what their child should be doing at various ages. There is also a module for each of the 4 strokes for the more advanced kids.
This is the best information a parent can have before in ensuring quality lessons for your child. If your child is 14 months old, then you need to watch the 12-18 months age group module.
- You will understand the process!
- You will become knowledgeable.
- You will know their capabilities.
- You can now either teach your child and save hundreds of dollars or become partners with your swim school in your child’s aquatic education.
- Armed with this knowledge you become an expert.
I am so excited that this AQUATIC EDUCATION HUB is ready to share
Bub Hub are great friends and care about your child’s total education and are keen to share this information with you.
Click on the link below and find the right module to start.
Don’t forget to enter this BUBHUB2015 coupon when checking out and you will see something I have never shared before – it’s me teaching my daughter to swim more than 30 years ago!”
– written by Laurie Lawrence
This post is sponsored by the World Wide Swim School.
Laurie Lawrence has designed 13 modules to give parents the tools to ensure their child’s learn to swim experience is fun and effective. These online lessons bring Laurie into your home. With the ability for you to go over the information again and again, Laurie will be your personal expert. Visit www.worldwideswimschool.com