A selection of Christmas gift tags to make with the childrenHow’s this? A cute Christmas tag idea you can make with the kids and it looks fab to boot!

All you need is a colour scheme and you’re halfway there.

The little guy and I were cutting some paper with his new lefty scissors and by the time we were finished we’d made gift tags for Christmas!

You can do it too! It was easy and we had fun cutting and gluing together … even better!

I’m a brown paper kind of girl, love the stuff! I always have a big roll in the cupboard and use it for all occasions. So my colour theme is easy, I pulled out a few red things and we were off…

Here is what we used:

  • Buff size 4 tags
  • White glue
  • Red glitter
  • Red butcher string
  • Red ribbon
  • Brown paper
  • White paper
  • Liquid chalk marker
  • Child’s artwork in red – scanned and printed out (or you could get the kids to paint white paper in red too!)
  • Scissors
  • Red paper clips

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Once we had cut up the red paper into tiny shapes we started gluing on the pre-made tags, I put a circle of glue down and we made the first lot of tags. We did some with string and red paper too!

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Then we wrapped the present in brown paper, and then tied the red butchers string around a few times, I slipped the tag underneath. I wrote the name and who it was from on the other side, so it looked pretty, and added an element of surprise under the tree!

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Our second tag option was glitter stars, I put some glue in the shape of a star.

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Then added some red glitter and tapped the excess off, we kept the glitter in a shallow tray, so we didn’t make too much mess and could reuse our glitter. The little guy loved this!

We tied each tag with some red string, all set for the Christmas wrap-up!

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For the white present we used a different string and tied in knots to secure, again the name and who it is from is on the underside.

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Some wrapping ideas: I repurposed some of the little guy’s paintings in red, scanned them on the computer and printed out a few pages of these.

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Then simply wrap up the present and add the butcher’s twine, for this tag, I cut a strip of brown paper, folded it in half and cut a “v” at the end, then attached with a red and white paperclip.

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Write the “from” message on the inside.

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For this one, I cut the printed artwork into strips and joined with tape, then wrapped around the present and tied with the butchers string…

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This one was super easy, I just wrapped the present in brown paper and wrote to and from in huge letters all over the wrapping, you can add ‘I love you’, or write a story, get creative and write all over it, then add butcher’s twine.

This is a cute way to tag and wrap presents and they will look fab under the tree, best thing is my little guy and I made the tags together.

We practised cutting and gluing and got organised for Christmas at the same time, priceless… I think they look gorgeous and I’m sure he will be beaming when we say he made the tags on Christmas Day.

Live with Love,

Sarah Preston

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