Elmo Sesame Street driveway safetyParents can download activity sheets, an ebook and an upcoming iPad app  – featuring Elmo and Grover from Sesame Street – to help teach children the dangers of driveways, car parks and roads.

The Elmo Stays Safe campaign’s key message is that driveways are no place for kids to play.

It has been developed by Sesame Workshop, Kidsafe Victoria, the TAC and RACV in response to the number of children killed or injured in driveways.

There were 54 children aged 0-14 years hit and killed by cars in Australian driveways between January 2001 and December 2010.

Kidsafe Victoria president Erica Edmands says children are unpredictable, inquisitive and surprisingly quick and mobile.

“It is important as adults that we always ‘supervise, separate and see’ to help keep children safe in areas such as driveways,” she says.

The campaign includes a radio community service announcement as well as posters, activity sheets, an ebook and an upcoming iPad app that parents can download to help get the message across to children.

Visit: www.kidsafevic.com.au/resources/sesame

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