So what is making news in the world of pregnancy and parenting this month?
Which kids group are back on stage with a new line-up? Which TV DIY guru is teaching us how to make our windows safer for children? How can YOU help stomp out child abuse? Where can you learn more about the issue of surrogates and remuneration? And what new apps can help you learn First Aid and find out which way is the safest for your children to walk to school?
Keep reading to find out!
Hi-5 back on stage
Hi-5 is back with a new cast line up and a brand new stage show.
Stevie and Lauren join new cast members Dayen, Ainsley and Mary in Hi-5 House Party – the group’s first live ‘concert style’ stage show.
The show will feature Hi-5′s most popular songs as requested by the group’s 150,000+ Facebook fans.
For more info and tour dates visit
DIY guru promotes child window safety
TV DIY guru Rob Palmer has joined NSW Fair Trading to promote child window safety.
Rob – from Better Homes and Gardens – presents two new YouTube videos on the important issue, particularly on installing window locks.
Each year, about 50 children fall from windows or balconies in Australia.
Watch Window locks save lives and How to install window locks on YouTube today.
For more tips on keeping your kids safe around windows and balconies including a brochure, checklist and product guide, visit
Fun Run to STOMP out child abuse
The Stomp Fun Run will take over Albert Park on Sunday, November 10, to raise funds for Australia’s leading international child protection charity CHILD WISE
As well as the 5km/10km fun-run around Albert Park Lake the will feature live music, circus performers, face painting, balloon artists, food and craft stalls.Child abuse now affects one in four girls, and one in seven boys.
Organisers hope to raise $100,000 to help put a STOMP against child abuse.
For more info visit
Lecture to debate issue of compensation for surrogates
The issue of remuneration for donors and surrogates is the topic of this year’s Louis Waller Lecture, presented by the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA).
Legal academics Professor Jenni Millbank and Dr Sonia Allen, will explore the arguments – that the lack of compensation is driving Australians overseas or that remuneration could cause more harm than good as donation and surrogacy should be altruistic.
The Louis Waller Lecture is on Thursday October 31, 6pm to 7.30pm at Russell Kennedy Pty Ltd, level 12, 469 La Trobe Street, Melbourne.
To book or for more information visit
Learn First Aid with new Red Cross app
Red Cross has released a free First Aid App to make learning First Aid on the go an easy option for smartphone users.
The app guides users through the correct response for incidents including heart attacks, strokes, diabetic episodes along with the more common burns, sprains and strains.
It can be used anywhere, anytime and is the ideal tool to support the skills acquired through First Aid training from Red Cross College.
To download the app or find out more about first aid training visit
Find safest route to school with new app
A new app can find the safest way for your children to walk to school.
Researchers at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), in partnership with population health professionals at Alfred Health, have developed Walk this Way, an app which can advise parents of the safest way for their child to walk to school, in the hope that parents will encourage their children to do so.
Users are provided with an immediate star rating for a crossing location based on information they submit regarding speed limit, crossing facilities, number of traffic directions, traffic volume and the number of lanes.
The pilot study of four Victorian primary schools found participants had a general tendency to perceive crossings as being safer than what was predicted by the star-rating tool.
The Walk this Way can be used on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and is free to download from the Apple app store.