Twin newborn babiesYou don’t have to be pregnant long before people start commenting on your baby bump (or worse … touching it!) and trying to guess your baby’s sex.

Most of the comments will be along the lines of “you’re carrying high–must be a girl!” or “you’re all out front–must be a boy!”.

Interesting, of course, when you’re carrying high AND out front … then what is it?

Obviously, guessing your baby’s sex based on old wives tales is just a bit of fun and here are 10 of the most popular ways to try to find out the sex of your baby before it’s born.

10 old wives tales to predict your baby’s sex

1. The Ring Test

Find a ring and thread through a strand of your hair or string. Dangle the ring over your belly and wait until the ring starts to swing. Take note of whether it swings side-to-side (like a pendulum) or around in a circle. The ring is supposed to predict all your children so if you already have one child the ring will spin one way, then stop, then spin again to predict the second child and so on … CIRCLE is girl, SIDE-TO-SIDE is boy (remember to take other kids into account).

2. Chinese Gender Chart

Work out your lunar age and month of conception then use them to find the baby’s sex on this Chinese Gender Chart

3. Mother’s intuition

You’re the mum and apparently mother’s intuition is paramount (although I’ve been 100 per cent wrong each time). So … what do you think you’re having?

4. A girl steals your looks

Do you look radiant? Are you blooming or are you blemishing. Apparently a girl steals your looks so if you’re looking great it is a boy. If you’ve looked better then it is a girl.

5. Are you carrying high or low?

A boy is low and a girl is high.

6. Have you had cravings?

If you crave sweet it’s a girl, sour/savoury it’s a boy.

7. How’s your Linea Nigra?

The linea nigra can appear on your belly during pregnancy. It’s a brownish line down the middle of your belly to your pubic area. If you get a línea nigra and it runs from your pubic area and beyond your belly button then it is a boy. If you don’t get it, or if it stops at or below your belly button it is a girl.

8. How fast is baby’s heartbeat?

You’ll need results from one of your scans to do this. Enter the results on this Baby Heartrate site

9. Is the father gaining weight too?

If he is putting on sympathy pregnancy weight then it is a boy, if not, it is a girl.

10. Are you carrying a watermelon or basketball?

If you look like you swallowed a watermelon it’s a girl, if it is a nice round basketball it’s a boy!

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