After every birthday party, it seems that the kids won’t ever settle down, and as soon as they’re home, it’s a party all over again.
You start thinking, “Why won’t you just fall asleep? You’ve been running around all day!” Then it hits you: they’ve come away with a bag full of lollies, chocolate, and this one bag will keep you in stock for sugar for weeks, and they kids have proceeded to eat it all at once.
A lot of parents are opting for more practical (and sugarless) fillers for their party bags, so here are some that I found in our forum.
- Bubbles – a little bottle that will run out eventually, but not before a healthy amount of fun is had
- Silly straws – they make every drink a fun one
- Themed toys – if you have a theme for your kid’s party, get themed toys
- Matchbox cars – fun for every child
- Small cases of face paint – continue the party without the sugar-rush
- Book with bookmark – like Mr Men or something similar
- Water balloons and normal balloons – you can stash them away for your own party
- Homemade biscuits/cookies – healthy ones, of course
- Novelty cup/mug
- Glow sticks
- Mini play dough tubs – no one has too much play dough
- Cool erasers, pencils, crayons, or colour pencils – very useful
- Lip-gloss or nail polish
- Hair clips
- Mini notebook – goes well with the pencils and erasers
- Yoyos
- Bouncy balls – even I could play with one of these for hours
- Stickers – a great idea, provided you supervise where they end up
- Slinkies – an age-old favourite
- Marbles
So instead of filling party bags with lollies, chocolate, and sprinkling a little sugar on top, try some of these suggestions.
A combination of any of these will be great for kids – and you can modify to please the specific kids at your party and whatever theme your child likes.