
Are you ready to fall in love with food? The right sort of food – not the doughnuts, chocolate bars and chips that most of us are are already in love with. I mean wholesome foods that make you look good, keep you feeling full all day and give you an enviable figure!

Last October I was lucky enough to be invited to take Zoe Bingley-Pullin’s online Falling in Love with Food course. You’ll know Zoe as the tall, slim, good-looking one from Channel 10’s Good Chef, Bad Chef. She’s the ‘good chef’.

Zoe Bingley-PullinFor 8 weeks I was guided by Zoe through different aspects of healthy nutrition. Healthy carbs, essential fats, fibre, how to interpret food labels, healthy party food and more. It’s a fantastic guide to build your good food knowledge from the ground up. Knowledge that you can use to create healthy meals or make excellent food choices anytime, anywhere.

The Guide is a mixture of videos, cooking tutorials, printables and even a weekly phone call with Zoe herself to keep you on track!

Recipes are included each week as well as breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack suggestions that are easy to throw together with pantry staples – Ham and Avocado Sourdough Toast or Banana and Coconut Porridge for example.

I made Zoe’s Chicken Curry one night when I was really pushed for time between my chauffeur duties for the kids’ sport. It’s a mild curry stacked with vegetables that was very quick to make. The kids loved it. And I’m not just saying that. They really did.

I also made a rhubarb-based sauce one day that was part of a muffin recipe – and left it cooling in the kitchen. When I returned it had been eaten by my teenage son who asked me to make more! I would NEVER have dreamed that my son – who’s known for favouring steak and caramel in large quantities (not together) would have liked rhubarb. In fact, without the FILWF course, I probably never would even have tried giving it to him.

This course if for anyone who wants to learn about healthy, nutritious tasty food. As I was following the course, I even thought it would be great for a teenager or 20-something who’s just flown the nest and has very little idea about what and how to cook.

It’s not a weight loss course. It’s about learning good nutrition. What fats to eat and when. How much fibre to include in your diet.  In a very tasty way.  And if the final product is a healthier you, well being a bit slimmer too is an added bonus. Just look at Zoe – she’s living proof! (And yes, she’s got a young child too). Envy much! OK, up the envy a notch – Hugh Jackman was best man at her wedding. Envy overload.

Zoe has kindly provided us with a sneak peek of one of the fantastic recipes from the course.

Cashew Fritters

Cashew Fritters


1 cup of raw cashews, finely ground

½ bunch of fresh basil, finely chopped (alternatively use 2 tablespoons of dried basil)

1 egg

1 tablespoon of tamari (or 2 pinches of salt)

3 spring onion whites, chopped

small amount of olive oil, for frying


Salsa Topping

1 punnet golden perino tomatoes, chopped

3 spring onion greens, chopped

1 tablespoon tamari (or 2 pinches of salt)

20g fetta or goats cheese

4 tablespoons basil, chopped





Add the cashew fritter ingredients into a food processor and blitz. Use a tablespoon to form fritters and cook in pan with olive oil on medium for 5 mins each side.

In a bowl mix together the salsa ingredients and leave to marinate. Serve fritters on a platter with a little salsa on each one.

-The writer received complimentary access to the  FILWF course.


If you’d like to find out more about Zoe’s Falling in Love with Food Course, details can be found online at Falling in Love with Food website.  Next round starts 9 February 2016!

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