Q&A: Stevie from Hi-5 on his NIDA training, knitted sheep and being wise

As parents we all know that entertaining small children isn’t easy. They don’t have a long attention span and they don’t mind telling you if you’re a bit crap. I guess that’s why we all have the greatest of respect for those people who entertain children for a living. It’s a tough job and somehow […]

Q&A: James Rees on puppets, naughty mums and being Jimmy Giggle

Anyone with a small child knows that Jimmy Giggle is a fun-loving guy. And as it turns out, his alter ego James Rees is pretty cool too. He’s also got some awesome news – he’s about to be a dad! Here we chat to him about becoming a father, working with puppets and how his […]

Q&A: Mister Maker (aka Phil Gallagher) on sharp scissors, mess and cricket!

So it turns out that Mister Maker isn’t his real name! The man with the crooked vest and the ability to make awesome craft in under a minute is actually called Phil Gallagher. He loves his job and he’s a big fan of cricket. He’s also quite used to being recognised in public and finding […]

News: Elmo and Grover teach kids driveway safety

Parents can download activity sheets, an ebook and an upcoming iPad app  – featuring Elmo and Grover from Sesame Street – to help teach children the dangers of driveways, car parks and roads. The Elmo Stays Safe campaign’s key message is that driveways are no place for kids to play. It has been developed by […]

Children’s TV … I overanalyse it

Why is it so hilly on Peppa Pig? Is Little Ted a bit old for big adventures? These are just a few of the many thoughts I’ve had while watching children’s television …

Are you an expert at watching Peppa Pig? Take our quiz!

Take the “Peppa Pig Quiz for Parents who Watch Too Much Peppa Pig”! Of course, if you’re busier than Miss Rabbit today, then why not bookmark this page and come back later … once the little piggies have gone to bed!