Which fish is safe to eat in pregnancy?

Food is a bit of a minefield when you are pregnant or breastfeeding — you are trying your very hardest to give your baby-to-be the best start in life by eating a balanced, nutritious diet. But with so much advice around, it can be difficult to know what you can and can’t eat. One major […]
When is your fertile window open?

So, you’ve decided you want to try to have a baby! To give yourself the best chance of conceiving you should learn a bit more about your own body. Do you know when your fertile window is open? When exactly are you at your most fertile? Here are some things you should know before you start […]
What is the best age gap between children?
When you know you’d like more than one child, one of big questions you ask yourself is ‘what age gap is best?’. Of course, it isn’t always easy to fall pregnant when planned but, if you are able to roughly time when your babies will come, what age gap is best for you, your family […]
The process of egg donation

With one in six Australian couples of reproductive age experiencing difficulties conceiving a child, no wonder potential parents are taking such drastic measures as advertising for donor eggs to complete their family. Faith Haugh’s introduction to fertility and egg donation began when she was looking in the paper for a second job. Instead of applying […]
So what REALLY happens during conception and infertility?

We all have a vague idea of what happens during conception but for many people, it isn’t something they’ve thought too much about since Year 9 science class. The basic idea is pretty simple but the science behind it is fascinatingly complex. So what EXACTLY does go on down there during conception? And why does […]
13 early signs of pregnancy and symptoms

When I first fell pregnant it was ‘sore breasts’ that sent me to the chemist to buy a pregnancy test. But there is a range of early pregnancy signs and symptoms and everyone is different. Pregnancy signs and symptoms vary from person to person — even from pregnancy to pregnancy — so you may experience […]
This is why you need a preconception health check …

Those who have never tried for a baby often think it’s going to be easy. After all, we’ve spent so long NOT getting pregnant that conceiving is as simple as throwing away the contraception, right? And if you’ve already had a baby, you probably (and understandably) think you can easily get pregnant again. The increasing […]
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. It is a common hormonal condition that disrupts the menstrual cycle and is also a risk factor for other health problems including heart disease, diabetes and endometrial cancer. It affects about 12-18 per cent of women of child-bearing age. Polycystic […]
Male infertility treatments
Did you know that one in five couples will be challenged by fertility issues when trying to conceive? And of these couples who require fertility management, male factor sub-fertility accounts for approximately 30 per cent. Couples are starting their families later and this, along with the general decline in sperm count over centuries, has led […]
Know your cervical position while trying to conceive

If you are trying to conceive it’s important to know when you are ovulating. Each month, you only have a 24-hour window in which to conceive. This is because, once your egg is released at ovulation, it only survives in your system for 24 hours. Sperm must be present in your system during this 24 […]