Mum! Just let Dad do it!

More mums should just let dad do it! Mothers frequently complain to me that their partners — the fathers of their children — are not as involved as much as they would like. Some of the more common complaints are … “My partner will make dinner if I tell him what to cook, but how […]

4 ways to be an active father

I was genuinely surprised by what it meant to become a father. My ‘arrival’ into this lofty status was etched on the reassuring words of other dads — statements like ‘You’ll be right mate’ or ‘It’s the best thing ever’. So when I found out this wasn’t strictly true — at least for me — […]

A celebration of fatherhood – with a twist

Autism doesn’t announce itself in the delivery room. You can’t detect it from a blood test or any type of pre-natal screening. In fact, children with autism are typically born as healthy, bouncing babies with 10 fingers and 10 toes. Their parents take them home from the hospital and all is as it should be. A happy

7 ways to be a good dad

Parenting is not a job that most people take lightly. Fathers sometimes do it extra tough, as they are not always as available to their children as they would like to be.

7 things new dads need to emotionally prepare for parenthood

Becoming a dad brings with it a range of changes to your physical and emotional health. Helen McAllister, St John of God National Director Raphael Services, shares her advice on the essentials all dads need to know to keep their emotional wellbeing in check.