You’re not the boss of me! Why kids deserve an explanation

This is my very first post for the Bub Hub. And, kind people, I already find myself apologising. The last thing I wanted was to be wearing my cranky pants when I wrote this. I wanted to seduce you with cheeky charm and irreverent musings. Sadly it’s not to be. I’ve tried everything to get […]

How to be consistent – the key to effective parenting

Being consistent is the single most effective way of parenting. And you have to be consistently consistent in order for it to work. If you fail to be consistent just once you will have ruined some of your hard work. But don’t give up, because eventually it gets easier. Here are some helpful tips for […]

Ballet for my girls? No thank you

Now that I am a doting mother of two girls, I would much rather have them participating in some form of martial arts over dancing.