Would you find out the sex of your baby … if you were me?

It is a conversation we now have almost every day. Whenever there’s a quiet moment – and there aren’t many in a house with a one and a three year old – he’ll look at me and say “so … are we going to find out?”. How lucky we are that this is our greatest […]

Will your relationship survive your kids?

The pressures of parenthood can put an enormous strain on your relationship. Time and money pressures, expectations of continued independence and lifestyle, living at a distance from traditional communal support networks, trying to juggle career, family and partner. These are some of the most pervasive causes of stress in relationships between parents. And to make […]

10 old wives tales to predict your baby’s sex

You don’t have to be pregnant long before people start commenting on your baby bump (or worse … touching it!) and trying to guess your baby’s sex. Most of the comments will be along the lines of “you’re carrying high–must be a girl!” or “you’re all out front–must be a boy!”. Interesting, of course, when […]

Girls’ school uniforms – let them wear shorts and pants

Ever had that moment when your child decides to dress themselves completely inappropriately for some occasion? It happened to me when my daughter was three, and she put on what was essentially a ball gown for a park play date. Once at the park, the ball gown became a nightmare. She kept tripping over it […]