Flying with kids or babies — a parent’s guide

Preparing for a flight is stressful at the best of times. But when you’ve got small children or babies it becomes all that much harder. Flying with babies or young children is not easy and it is important to be prepared. If you’re prepared then the flight will be less stressful for you – and […]
Recognising baby tired signs – a Hubber’s guide
How do you know when your baby is ready to sleep? If you’re new to this whole parenting thing it can be a hard thing to spot – a newborn baby’s tired signs are aren’t as obvious and easy to recognise as you’d think. You will – through watching them closely – learn to spot […]
Caring for kids with eczema – a Hubber’s guide

It’s good to get some real advice from parents who deal with eczema each day. Here are some general tips from Bub Hub members who’ve been down the eczema road.
Favourite pregnancy and parenting apps – a hubbers’ guide

A Hubber’s Guide to the best smartphone apps for pregnancy, parenting, entertaining the children and entertaining mum