‘You’re so young! I thought you were the nanny!’

I found out I was pregnant at 17 years old, in hospital with a kidney infection. This was not what I had planned for my life. I remember thinking of teen mums as losers who couldn’t be responsible enough to use a condom. Then I became that loser who hadn’t been responsible enough to use […]

Working it out: Stay at home or return to work?

Figuring out if and when you should go back to work after you’ve had a child is a very personal and family-based decision. Can you afford not to work? Who will look after your baby? What impact will it have on your career? Is your child too young? What support networks are available to you? […]

Things I learned at baby sleep school – Part 2

Once we settled in our new dwellings, I started to make friends with my fellow sleep-deprived mums. One of the great things about such a facility, there was absolutely no judgment from other parents. Just a knowing nod across the hallway and eyes that were met with the greatest empathy. Everyone was in the same […]

Hey Mamma, Breathe, You’re doing an amazing job

STOP what you are doing right now new mama (except for anyone about to sip a hot beverage at the right temperature) – early childhood consultant, author and mum Stella Stead wants you to know something. It is a message she believes all parents should be told the day they come home from the hospital […]