Is your child’s hearing normal?

What is Hearing Loss? Hearing Loss is what happens when a part of the ear (outer, middle, and/or inner ear) is missing, misshaped, or damaged. Hearing problems may be present at birth (congenital) or develop later in life (acquired). Some children can hear in one ear, but not the other, this is known as a […]

3 steps to speaking the positive language of fertility

There’s a phrase I’ve come across that says, ‘what you think, you become”. Have you ever noticed how much of what you think about happens? Or decide you want something then suddenly see it everywhere (um hello, is the whole world is pregnant right now?!?). I really believe in the mind-body connection–even more so since […]

Can your baby hear your smile?

These findings suggest that parents trying to attract their baby’s attention, may be more successful if they speak to them with a smile – even if their baby doesn’t look at them yet!