Vanishing Twin Syndrome

What is a vanishing twin? When you conceive twins or multiples, sometimes one of the foetuses isn’t as strong, and you miscarry that foetus. The other/s are still healthy, so the pregnancy continues, but that foetus does not pass out of the body – it is reabsorbed into either the placenta, the mother, or the […]
Sleep tips for parents of multiples

Sleep is a big important issue for new parents. And if you’re expecting twins then there are some extra challenges and specific tips you should know. Here’s some sleep advice for parents expecting multiples from sleep consultant Cheryl Fingleson. Remember that twins tend to arrive between 36 and 38 weeks or even earlier. If your twins are born […]
6 no-fuss ways to deal with NAPLAN results

As a parent how can you manage your child’s NAPLAN results in a way that does not impact negatively on self esteem and confidence and or create anxiety around exams? The key is to minimise the fuss surrounding NAPLAN. Here are few tips.