Toddler nightmares vs night terrors

There’s nothing worse than seeing your little one scared. When they run in to your room in the middle of the night terrified of a nightmare, your heart just breaks for them. Sometimes though, your little one can experience night terrors, which are a different thing altogether. So how can we help them through these […]

Tips for lessening the stress around sleep

It’s a common understanding that sleep is essential for better health. As adults, we’re often advised to keep to a reasonably regular schedule and to get a nourishing eight hours a night in order to feel refreshed and energised. But for the majority of new parents, this ideal is impossible. Long stretches of uninterrupted sleep […]

7 reasons you can’t sleep when pregnant

We all expect lack of sleep after the baby is born but not many of us realise just how hard it is to get a good night’s sleep while  pregnant. There are a number of common pregnancy complaints that make it difficult to get to sleep – heartburn, frequent urination, restless leg syndrome are just […]

How to keep exercising when you’re a parent – and feel better for it!

Prior to becoming a parent exercise may have simply just been part of your routine, no need to plan for it, it just simply happened, it was easy. When a new baby comes along your old routine often does a back flip and almost becomes unrecognisable. Despite exercise being a health promoting activity and one […]

5 ways to stay sane while sleep-deprived

It’s 3am… and there it is again. I’ve been here many times before – the middle of the night wake-up cry… the sixth since I crawled into bed tonight. I knew when I was pregnant that this was going to happen, but I had somehow successfully wiped any memory of this exhausted feeling from my […]

How to move a toddler from cot to bed

The safest place for a toddler to sleep is in a cot but there comes a time when they must make the move from the cot to a ‘big bed’. There are many social and practical reasons for moving a toddler out of their cot—the arrival of a new baby, the onset of toilet training—but the key factor […]

How to survive sleep deprivation

Have the first few months (or even years) of parenthood totally messed up your sleeping pattern? Feeling tired and pushing through, maybe with a coffee or a bit of chocolate, seems to be the ‘normal’ way of coping with insomnia and parenthood. Unfortunately sleep deprivation will turn even the sanest person crazy and no amount […]

7 common myths about bedwetting

There are many reasons why a child wets the bed, and there are many myths floating around in the world about bedwetting. Here, we debunk some of the most common of those myths so parents can help their kids.

Bedwetting: the facts

There is always a supply of confusing, free opinions about how a child’s bedwetting problem “should” be addressed. Here is some information you can use to make your child’s night-time toilet training experience as positive as possible.