Shoelace tying techniques – teach your child to tie shoelaces

There are so many shoelace tying techniques out there that it can be difficult to find the one that is easiest to teach. Thankfully, they all come with different stories to aid in your child’s learning process. Knowing the individual steps to any technique is important, as once we have been tying shoes for so […]

I’m 5 and I just started BIG school

With school under way for another year, I’ve noticed that parents are writing about how their children are not always settling in to school – especially after being so excited before they began. So why does this happen? Sometimes I think a reminder of what it might be like to be “in the mind” of this […]

10 things first-time school parents should know

Starting school for the first time can be a stressful time — for children and parents! Luckily, many of our Bub Hub forum members have been through it all already, so we are incredibly lucky to have this advice for first-time school mums and dads. Here are 10 helpful hints our members found useful when first sending their […]

First day of school blues – why it’s OK and how to help

When I was in primary school I cried on the first day of school every day until Grade 3. It was always put down to the fact that I was shy, clingy to my mother and apprehensive due to my multicultural background. When I reflect on that now I can pinpoint the reason I was […]