What to pack for labour and hospital – a checklist

Are you unsure about what to pack in your hospital bag? Do you need to pack nappies? What clothes will the baby need? Will you want anything specific for when you’re in labour? Firstly, check with your hospital. Some may provide things like nappies and wipes, but many don’t. They may have a birth ball […]
What is gestational diabetes?
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy – in most cases it disappears after the baby is born. You are normally screened for gestational diabetes between weeks 25 and 28 of your pregnancy, and if you are diagnosed with it, don’t be alarmed as there are ways it can be effectively […]
The ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – sizes, tips, and must-haves

How do you buy clothes for someone you haven’t met yet? How do you shop when you don’t know what size your baby will be? And how do you buy practical clothing when you’ve never had a baby before? We hope our ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – with tips on baby clothes sizes, […]
The ultimate guide to exercising while pregnant

Being fit and healthy during pregnancy is important and of enormous benefit to you and your baby. So what are the benefits of exercising when you’re pregnant? How much exercise should you do? And are there any exercises you should avoid while pregnant? In general, you can continue with whatever exercise you did before you […]
The importance of pelvic floor exercises

This week is World Continence Week (June 19-25) and according to Continence Foundation of Australia chief executive Rowan Cockerell women are continuing to laugh off the issue rather than seek help. “There continues to be a misconception that incontinence is an inevitable result of having children or ageing, and that’s just not true. Incontinence is […]
9 reasons to exercise during pregnancy

There are many benefits associated with staying active during pregnancy, as long as your pregnancy is progressing well and there are no complications. Moderate cardiovascular exercise won’t harm an unborn baby and it is generally advised that pregnant women continue doing the same exercise they did before they fell pregnant — with a few exceptions […]
Seatbelts and pregnancy: how to buckle up safely

If you’re pregnant and involved in a car accident you can significantly reduce the risk of foetal injury if you are wearing your seatbelt correctly. But what is the right way to fasten your seatbelt when you’re pregnant? We get tips from car safety expert Lotta Jakobsson. Jakobsson, the Global chairperson of the International Organisation […]
Pregnancy, parenting and rheumatoid arthritis

Becoming a mother was always part of my life plan. Something I took for granted. I certainly didn’t contemplate an incurable, chronic and painfully debilitating disease affecting my path to and throughout parenthood. I was like most people in Australia who believe that arthritis affects people in their older years – not young vibrant women […]
Pregnancy exercise dos and don’ts

Keeping fit and healthy while you are pregnant is important. If you already exercised before falling pregnant, you are generally safe to continue your routine, with some modifications as you progress through your pregnancy. You should consult your doctor when you fall pregnant as to what exercises are OK for you to do. Here are […]
Pregnancy heartburn – causes and tips to ease your pain

Pregnancy isn’t always a smooth ride. You can suffer through many different pregnancy complaints and ailments from morning sickness to back pain to incontinence and so, so many more. One of these is acid reflux – more commonly known as heartburn – and while it is not necessarily a serious condition, it can definitely be […]