Top 5 reasons I love LEGO DUPLO

My children have a lot of toys. A LOT. So many, in fact, that they now have their own room – the toys, not the kids. The kids share a room, the toys get their own. Is that weird? Actually, don’t answer that. I love the toyroom (there are no more toys in my living […]

Save your cash and pull out the pegs

Babies and toddlers are learning constantly from everything they see, hear, taste, touch and smell because our senses are VITALLY important in brain growth. Have you ever noticed a young child’s face the first time they taste something new, touch a kitten for the first time or see something bright and unusual? That’s a WOW […]

LEGO DUPLO is for all ages – even mine!

There’s no sweeter sound than that of my three children playing happily and quietly together. I certainly don’t hear it very often. There are very few toys in my house that will safely engage and occupy a four-year-old, a two-year-old and a 10-month-old all at the same time. Without fights. The toy that WILL do […]

I hate ‘girl’ toys

When I started writing this I was going to write a post about how all ‘girly’ toys were boring and dangerously stereotypical. How, when I was shopping for a small present for my almost one-year-old girl all I found were tiny vacuum cleaners, microwaves and baby dolls. I was going to ask the question: “what […]

How to clean and organise your bath toys

The bath toy situation has quickly gotten out of hand here. We have far too many bath toys – not to mention regular toys that have made their way into the bath – and they are all getting quite filthy. I wouldn’t want to sit in a bath with them. So (and these are quickly […]

Tips to organise your child’s toys and clothes

I’m a mum of two, a primary school teacher, and a professional organiser. I lead a very busy life, and to save myself from having a mental breakdown, I need to be organised to cope with all life throws at me. Having learned many strategies to keep me on track, my aim is to help […]

Is it time to embrace the chaos of kids?

Plastic toys are taking over our living space. The windows and TV are covered in sticky fingerprints. The floor is littered with rice cake crumbs and highchair debris. I find mashed-up bits of banana in the car door and I haven’t seen the bottom of the laundry basket for two years. And guess what? I’m […]