Vanishing Twin Syndrome

What is a vanishing twin? When you conceive twins or multiples, sometimes one of the foetuses isn’t as strong, and you miscarry that foetus. The other/s are still healthy, so the pregnancy continues, but that foetus does not pass out of the body – it is reabsorbed into either the placenta, the mother, or the […]

Mum to 4, endo, surrogate to twins and a hysterectomy all before 27!

I’d had heavy and painful periods since I was 16 so, at 19 when I was referred to a gynaecologist and had a laparoscopy, I wasn’t surprised to hear I had advanced endometriosis. At my follow-up appointment my doctor informed me that if I wanted to have children, I had better think about having them […]

6 no-fuss ways to deal with NAPLAN results

As a parent how can you manage your child’s NAPLAN results in a way that does not impact negatively on self esteem and confidence and or create anxiety around exams? The key is to minimise the fuss surrounding NAPLAN. Here are few tips.