Not all children are given an equal start in life. Some can barely even access the basics to live. Right now, 1 in 10 Australian children live in jobless homes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013).
School kids are having to get by without a school bag, without full uniforms, or all school books they need. Lacking these seemingly “normal” items, these children face teasing and exclusion simply because they’re families can’t afford these necessities. Most people face bullying at some stage during their schooling – even when they do have all the “normal” stuff like a bag or books – so just imagine how hard it is for those children to keep up with study.
Some fail altogether. And for some, this underachievement carries on their whole lives.
The Tales of the One in Ten is a new campaign run by the Smith Family that aims to raise awareness about disadvantaged Australian kids via a series of animated, online films that showcase different heartbreaking, true stories of kids who don’t have the basics.
The first in the series is Alice & The Giant Emptiness. Watch the video, share it, and help raise awareness so these kids can have a better chance.
Watch Alice & The Giant Emptiness:
Or watch on YouTube –
If you’d like to be involved further than sharing the message, visit the Tales of the One in Ten website to see how you can help.
Keep an eye on this space for the next instalment of the Tales of the One in Ten.